Been having the pleasure of staying

at my good friend
Jim Isermann's house in Palm Springs

a prefabricated steel house designed by Donald Wexler



Sunshine swimming pool



Hello sky, hello mountains


and an unbeatable rock post box
Oh look at Angelo, he's so cute, and the Wexler home, if I'm not mistaken that's one of a grouping of 7 built by Wexler? Just beautiful.
thats the one
it feels you are having fun guys, socratis
My God, not a stick of furniture has been moved in that house since my last (and final) visit to PS. So strange that Riley is gone.
I love the piece Jim did at Princeton. I think he has progressed from good to great in the past ten years. And still such a sweet man.
(Sweet because he is still generous with his mother's sublime carrot cake recipe.)
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