Is it possible to overblog a trip to Egypt? Are three posts on the same subject too many? and can you possibly take too many pictures in one trip? These are questions I've been pondering while concluding the posts on Egypt (or not).
(so at the last post, we were trying to teleport out of Luxor)
and we found ourselves at the apparently over-photographed Valley of the Kings.
So over-photographed in fact,
that they dont let you take any pics, ever, never.
they have secured the entrance with miniature meta-pyramids that no doubt send messages to the sky if they see you take your camera out.
at the tombs, so much security that they dont even let you in.
Is the Valley of the Kings that precious really?
or is it just so over-renovated
that it does not look like an ancient extraterrestrial monument anymore,
but like present day Las Vegas instead?
(I would show you more pics,
but the guard that caught me insisted that I delete all the photos,
after I refused to pay him to get my iphone back,
it was quite lol, etc)
anyway so the Tombs have been manicured and botoxed to perfection, becoming unreal and unruins in the process. It is clearly the Knossos school of Fake Ruinry.
pretty little path so you dont think it's just a desert mountain
Other temples were friendlier, though disappointingly authentic in their ruination
where we witnessed an impromptu Alien visitation

on the way back to town, yet more Security inspired meta-puramids
and were rather spooked when we had to pass a drawbridge
and a complete security check to enter our next hotel.

all the security hysteria seemed to be worth it,
since it was situated on a beautiful private island on the Nile.

some of the landscape did seem a bit artificial, but who could complain?

the island was dotted with cute little vernacular egyptian huts,
with some strange infrastructural things on the roofs.
Did machines live in these huts?

other huts seemed to be hiding inside specially constructed trees
then we started to notice various machines hiding in the bushes

even machines hiding in the sand

machines trying to pass as trees

even machines hiding in the sand

machines trying to pass as trees

suddenly it all started to make sense
we had landed right into the lost Egyptian season of LOST,
this was Dharma Central, right down to the hexagonal bungalows
the cores of the bungalows were inhabited by machines too
some buildings were curiously upsidedown
an innocent looking swimming pool was just a place to hide more machines
even the smoke monster was immortalized in the topiary designs
suddenly trees seemed threatening
Hexagonal Conspiracy #3
Hysteria checkpoint #6
Museum of Disaster?
suddenly screams and people running and coughing
it was the Jollie Ville Smoke Monster! we had to get out of here!
(the hotel staff assured us this was just the regular anti-mosquito cloud, that they unleashed every evening)

we located a Topiary Teleport near the entrance and decided to make a run for it
(do be continued, perhaps)