a temporary urban lab,
a propaganda stand, a cafe and a carousel for kids.

As darkness becomes a larger part of the day, we slowly begin to illuminate the area of Torget

Illuminations happens on two levels
one is a set of mobile street lights and lit objects,
that will brighten the area during the dark winter months

Parallel to the light objects, a series of signs introduce and advertise a questionaire
on the ways that the city can develop.
a set of string lights suggest a celebration or gathering. Benches are there to sit, and a sign asks whether people prefer public or private parks. These are perhaps questions with multiple answers, because privatising public space leads to better development but also more control on the part of investors.
(invitation to the switching-on of Lights, on Monday 12th of November 2012)
So the questions are there simply to introduce the subject,
and to make sure that decisions are well thought through.
later on, an ice-skating rink will operate with free entrance for the citizens of Vasby.
The area of Torget, which we are illuminating, is in fact a construction site, that we are temporarily using to test urban planing ideas before construction begins,
the time before construction is traditionally spent inside boardrooms and municipal offices high above the city
instead, we are placing the discussion
on the site where its results
will materialize.
Design: Andreas Angelidakis
Images: Sotiris Vasiliou, Alexandra Syriou www.angelidakis.com
Project Manager: Mia Lundstrom
Construction: Patrik Olin for www.olinevent.se
Graphic identity: Petter Johanson www.pjadad.com
Newspaper: Jan Aman, Petter Johanson, Anton Wigbrand
Images: Sotiris Vasiliou, Alexandra Syriou www.angelidakis.com