This past weekend I bought a little piece of land in Solbim, on the mainland of Second Life (if you want to visit, the coordinates are 128, 128, 0) . The plot is between two houses, so just enough room to try out the building tools and make a little demo house for Angelo and me. So naturally I went for inverted leopard rhomboids with arrow graffiti interiors, just as a base for building on.

The next door neighbors came over, and I thought I was happy to meet them, instead I got : "whats this - this is ugly- can u please delete it? - now, yuk yuk" etc etc. Apparently they both hated the Leopard, thought it vomitrocious, and one of them even wanted to get into a fight. The neightbor to the east put up a wall of forest so as to not see my house, and the one on the side demolished his house and put the plot up for sale. So much for feeling at home on the internet.

All this was semi fun of course, but it brings us to the real Carrie Bradshaw: Is a Leopard wall less fitting for a building than a exposed concrete wall, and arent they all just texture maps? Can we consider one material to be authentic and correct and another one kitch or just wrong? When are they going to invent photoprint concrete so everything can be texturemapped everywhere and nothing be tha same again?
SecondLife citizens are the most aggressive and close-minded race in the world... maybe it's something in the water.
That made me laugh out loud! I have to check this out for myself.
yes its pretty amazing that they would be so not into something apart from middle whateverland. 90% of the buildings there are truly horrible, though as a social demo its amazing
You should expect that they found the building ugly, although it took them only a Second , it is still a life and most people have different opinions from architects on beauty.
What I find interesting though is that one can have an interactivity that cannot be found on the real world ie : the wall of tall trees , as a single textured face, or the fact that one sells the plot because of leopard skins on the adjoining building.
If I can offer an opinion, Carrie would find the project interesting and weird were it to be built in a manhattan plot. Dislocated from that and put into a 3d computer space MOST people would look for something that looks like a real thing...And leopard texturing on a thing called a building is considered ugly, because it its different, becuase it does not look like anything in the real world...
U should have used tiger prints and not Leopard in combination with the arrow pattern. It just doesnt fit.
instead the orange-black lines of Tiger print would match those straight red on white arrow pattern.
Think different.
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