A super cute crowd showed up at our SuperNeen opening in Milan last night. Tons of people arrived an hour early and stayed really late. The first 300 to arrive got the limited superneen edition of Boiler magazine, while only a few got to watch the special Mai Ueda performance. I was in the gallery and still managed to miss it because of the huge crowd, but from what I could heard it was screamingly good. Mai was wearing a fantastic bird dress by Paolo di Landro made especially for the performance, while Angelo was wearing a t-shirt/object made especially sexy. Priscilla who discovered Di Landro before everyone else was wearing one of his early pieces. After the opening we had a fabulous dinner and a cool afterparty at Nike Studio, their secret underground lab. I'll post some good pics of the show once I sort through the 1.7 GB of compulsively photographed everythings.
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