And this is the last page from the catalogue.
clouds and mountains and buildings and theory and art and websites and trees and people and
I love this Faux-Castle-on-the-Beach too but for entirely different reasons. The bank is pure Architecture wheras as the faux castle is, ummm, well it's architecture too... Ok let me think about this for a while.
Graphic design from the early 1960s by K. Awazu presenting the Metabolist concept of change in housing. High-rise mega-structures support myriad apartment capsules which are modified and replaced according to their own life cycles and the social cycles of demand and fashion.
I decided to re-enact this scenario using some eyeballs.. looks rather less convincing.
But here is the text that explains everything, via the Institute for East Asian Architecture
The Transient City
As Japan rebuilt her devastated cities after 1945 and launched the high-growth economy, the sense of transience resurfaced on a gigantic scale and in a completely secular mode. The Japanese city of today is largely a haphazard, interchangeable mosaic of postage-stamp land parcels that seem rather messy from the viewpoint of classical aesthetics. Yet it is hygienic, efficient and very adaptable to rapid change, and hence an important underpinning of the world's second-largest economy. The Western concept of the City Beautiful or even an Urbs Eterna, centered on the civic square with splendid and hardly changing public institutions, has as its counterpart in Japan the City Vital, flexible and energetic with constant easy access to entertainment and information. While the masses indeed sleep in "rabbit hutches" they work and play in cities that have no equal anywhere for liveliness, visual complexity and social dynamics.
The new Japanese urbanism found its purest theoretical expression in the daring ideas of the Metabolists, a group of young architects, designers and urban planners working in Tokyo in the 1960s. Applying the principles of metabolism and metamorphosis as discovered in the organic world, they reconceived the city as a huge kit of infrastructures and element-structures passing through interrelated cycles of growth, decay, renewal and change (6). Though internationally celebrated, they realized very little of their dreams because of – as we can see now – the super-scaled and autocratic character of their proposals. Ironically, most of their ideas eventually came about in the succeeding vernacular urban architecture of Japan, without the Metabolists' direct influence and despite the mostly monumental structures they themselves later designed and built.
Other entire submarine cities would have had a sporgente pillar outside from the water, with a heliport to the top. Such cities would have been surrounded from great underwater small farms where the man would have cultivated alghe and raised fish. The whale newly would even have become an animal from slaughter house!
Isozaki, "Metabolist" Group scheme for a modern city, 1963
What's great with this period of projects is how fantastically wrong they were about the ways people like to live, and how beautifully these futuristic buildings become old and dated. You can just imagine the graffiti, the drug micro communities and crime scenes forming once these buildings are abandoned by their first stylish owneres etc etc. It's video game heaven all over again.
via the utterly weird http://www.fabiofeminofantascience.org