Apart from abandoning this blog for the longest time,
I also havent updated the press section in ages...
Here's Forum magazine which featured Cloud House on its May cover
and an extensive piece on "The Stockholm Exhibition"
then, my personal favourite PIN-UP Magazine features
a spread by the lovely Mr de la Barra on the 3D printed maquettes
coolest magazine of the moment, italian Kaleidoscope

features and interview on the subject of Heaven and the 2nd Athens Biennial
with some really interesting questions

upcoming favorite Fantom edited by Cay Sophie Rabinowitz and Selva Barni
(with Christodoulos on the cover!)
feature my Iolas burglury photos, along with a nice account of the day by Sylvia Kouvali
Mark Magazine has a little mention on Menir House
L'Officiel features an interview
Italian ELLE Deco features an interview, by lovely Maddalena Fossati
with photos taken at our house
and models shot in the office

finally another magazine I found in the press scan folder
and a German magazine randomly claiming these things could never be built (?)
I also havent updated the press section in ages...

features and interview on the subject of Heaven and the 2nd Athens Biennial

upcoming favorite Fantom edited by Cay Sophie Rabinowitz and Selva Barni
(with Christodoulos on the cover!)