The hunt for architecture on Second Life continues. After the Triple House, I stumbled upon this hysterical pagoda-ish termite-carved house
and then this funny house with a drawing texture map interior.
It was cute enough, but far away on the horizon I spotted some Animal Print so obviously I had to rush over.

I found this slightly 80's looking Zebra House, which looks a little bit boring from the outside

even though the interior is rather satisfying. Further down the hill I spotted an ominous looking black thing that looked more like a tacky jewelry box and less like architecture, but these distinctions are boring so we don't go there.

The blackness disappears when you clock on the right button, and you can look inside, and even see that the blackness is one way so from inside its transparent but no entrance for you and me because it has a privacy restriction, which is soooo boring, whatever, it doesn't look too interesting from inside anyway
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