Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Soft Rock for Bouwkunde

Here's our submission for the TU Delft completion, which didn't win any,
(though we made the long list, exhibition, book etc) a building shaped like a soft green rock

with a little Dutch village on the roof

floating slightly above ground
open plan floors with self organizing elements
hovering above a pink and red exotic social space for work-shopping and talking and meeting and passing through


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I like it.. I didnt win either.
    we have similar idear about open the ground floor..

  2. Shame you didn't win Andreas! It looks brute and cute.
    Looking at it, maybe the little Dutch village (which looks remarkably Greek) could gather too much water – and where would you leave all that?
    Groetjes from the Wet Country

  3. oh I love cute and brute! um the water? maybe should add a reflection pool in the lobby?

  4. Anonymous12:54 AM

    does it float only in second life a?
