Thursday, July 12, 2007

Surrealism on the beach

Just back from Patras where we're running the Athens Update Workshop with students from the architecture school (more on this later). This time I didn't stay in my usual hotel but the sort of infamous Rio Beach, a decadent 70's designed hotel (though describing this hotel as a product of design is rather ambitious). Anyway it's there and somehow it all makes crazy sense
the crazy upside-down snow or maybe stalagmite ceiling

the rattan ceiling plus Marcel Duchamp looking lamp
the road-sign, the traffic cone and the sunset
the bridge and the lamp


  1. The road with the cones and the bridge are nice.
    The lamp is also nice from this point of view

  2. totally. ama pote valoun kai adsl,den to kounaw

  3. Looks mighty interesting!
